Cathedral of Learning Directory

This page is intended to be used as a quick reference. See the accompanying blog post for commentary.


Floors 37-40 are all restricted and therefore omitted. Floors G-3 are also omitted because information about them is less needed and they are not as well-organized.

Floor Units BRs Water Other
36 Frederick Honors College - - study spaces (R)
35 Frederick Honors College - - study spaces (R)
34 FHC Advising, Student Engagement Nm Gf -
33 Misc. N Gf -
32 English Language Insitute F Pf -
31 O. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion - Gf -
30 O. Chief Financial Officer - Pf -
29 (R) Air Force ROTC R F -
28 D. Linguistics F P -
27 D. East Asian Lang. & Lit. Nx2 P go table
26 D. Religious Studies N P -
25 (R) Pitt Cyber, O. U. Counsel Nx2 P -
24 (R) O. U. Counsel Nx2 U -
23 S. Social Work R R study spaces
22 S. Social Work R R -
21 S. Social Work Student Services, O. Dean N F M U -
20 S. Social Work Child Welfare Ed. + Rsch. Fm M F -
19 O. Provost R R -
18 OEDI, Internal Auditing Na N F -
17 Engagement, Community Affairs R R -
16 D. Theatre Arts N Pf -
15 D. Classics, D. German M Gf -
14 D. Communications F M Ff podcasting rm.
13 D. Spanish & Port., D. French & Italian F P -
12 D. Slavic Lang. & Lit., Intercult. Exch. F Gf -
11 D. History and Philosophy of Science F M Gf -
10 D. Philosophy F Gf -
09 O. Dean, Dietrich Grad. Studies Admin. F M Gf -
08 O. Provost F M U -
07 IT, O. Sr. Vice Chancellor for Rsch. F M Ff -
06 D. English, Humanities Center F M U -
05 D. English - U -
04 D. GSWS, D. FMS, Cultural Studies, Misc. F M U media labs


Bathrooms (BRs) are listed by gender (M/F/N). ’m’ signifies menstrual product availability and ‘a’ signifies accessibility features on one or more toilets. ‘R’ means that I don’t know, but if it does exist, it’s not accessible without a keycard.

Water fountains are listed by usability: (G)ood, (F)air, (P)oor, (U)nusable. ‘f’ signifies an attached water bottle filler. ‘R’ means that I don’t know, but if it does exist, it’s not accessible without a keycard.

A floor is marked as ‘R’ if it is restricted from the stairwell and the other noted facilities are not actually accessible without a keycard. A feature is marked as ‘R’ if it is only accessible with a keycard.

‘O’ means “office of”. ‘D’ means “department of”. ‘S’ means “school of.” ‘U’ means “university”.

Notice something?

I have tried to be thorough and accurate, but this directory may contain errors. If you see any missing or inaccurate features, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Aliya’s personal blog and project showcase.
